That’s it ! The airline tickets are taken, the reservation for the hotel booked, the sunscreen purchased, but there is a dilemma : we don’t know what to choose between a suitcase and a travel bag ! We therefore go asking for some advices in a leather shop.
The suitcase is the best-selling luggage :
– handy with its 2 or 4 wheels and telescopic handle
– practical with its interior fittings
The travel bag :
– gives a younger and backpacker style
– once empty, can be flattened and stored easily
– often sold with a removable shoulder strap, can therefore be worn on the shoulder
First, you have to specify how long you want to go out: a weekend, a week, a month … Because the volume of the luggage is one of the most important thing for the choice. The destination is important because the volume of a swimsuit is not the same as that for a ski suit.
In any case, when you go with your family or a couple, it is better to prefer 2 medium-sized suitcases than a huge, much less manageable and that the airlines risk to refuse you. Do not forget to mix the business of Mr and Mrs in both luggage, because if a piece of luggage is lost, one of the two risks having nothing to wear!
Think of leaving a little room and weight for the memories brought back!
To weigh your suitcase, think of your scale: weigh with and without the suitcase and make a subtraction. Otherwise there are pocket-size scale for luggage, for being sure not to pay extras!
Quand à la matière de vos bagages, vous avez le choix, et c’est selon vos priorités. Les valises peuvent être en :
– polypropylène : très solide, un peu lourd, inusable, pas très chère. Ce sont les coques qui existent depuis longtemps et qui ont fait leur preuve.
– polycarbonate : solide, plutôt légère, les plus vendues, prix moyen.
– matériau CURV® : nouvelle technologie chez Samsonite, très solide, extrêmement léger, prix élevé.
– toile : léger, prix moyen, avantage des poches sur le devant.
Les sacs de voyage sont en toile, plus ou moins solide ( regardez le nombre de deniers : plus il est élevé, plus la toile est solide ), avec ou sans roulettes, plus ou moins souple.
Voilà ! Vous savez tout, et pour la couleur de votre bagage, c’est à votre goût !
For the material of your luggage, you have the choice, and it is according to your priorities:
The suitcase can be in :
– Polypropylene : very solid, somewhat heavy, indestructible, not very expensive.
– Polycarbonate : solid, rather light, best sold, average price.
– CURV® material : new technology at Samsonite, very strong, extremely light, high price.
– Hessian : light, medium price, advantage of the pockets on the front.
The travel bag can be in :
– Canvas : more or less solid (look at the number of deniers: the higher it is, the stronger the canvas)
– with or without wheels
– more or less flexible